Collegium Musicum of London has benefited from generous sponsorship in the past, and needs to continue to attract support. The choir’s costs are primarily paid for by subscriptions but venue hire is expensive, and other costs are rising.
If you’d like to sponsor CML please get in touch and we can put together a package, whether it be for an individual concert or a corporate arrangement for which the choir reciprocates with performances.
If you’re interested in sponsoring CML, contact CML’s Chair John Biggins here.
Donate to CML
You can now make a direct donation to your favourite chamber choir by clicking the button below. CML ticket prices are kept low through our members’ subscriptions – and our special low subs rate for the under-25s helps attract younger singers.
In 2020, CML moved its base to St James Garlickhythe in the City – resulting in a sizeable increase in rehearsal hire costs.
Every little helps!
CML would like to thank the following organisations and individuals for their valuable support in the past: the Hobson Charitable Trust, MVM Charitable Trust, Ann Flett, David Bressloff, Sebastian Borger, Jane Hills, Jennifer Vernor-Miles, Lucy Silver, Yvonne Packer, Keith Wallace.